so what's next...

Since I was a teenager, I have always been bothered by all the impending questions about where I plan to go with my future. We are flooded with questions from such an early age (typically high school) through adulthood. It's quite daunting to feel that you have to have the best answer for every curious question headed in your direction, especially when it's questions that deal with complicated answers. In March 2023, when I got clear confirmation from God to place down my brand before Christ and move on where He was leading me, I placed a large hanging question on my shoulders: "So what next?"

Our flesh is always in such a rush. We oftentimes don't even realize how ingrained impatience is in our flesh. In today's culture (and since the fall in Genesis), we are all crazed and dazed, zooming from one thing to the next, rarely allowing ourselves a moment of stillness. I don't mean remaining still in small increments here and there when our bodies mentally and physically demand a break. I mean choosing to walk with the pace God has purposely advised you to do. Choosing to embrace a season of "Stillness" looks like placing that idol, job, or relationship before the Lord and allowing Him to maneuver the circumstances in a new light. Remaining in stride with the Holy Spirit in the midst of an overworking, hectic, hustle culture is a brave act in faith.

For many years, I used to fill my schedule because I was uncomfortable with remaining still, but slow seasons are often the most rewarding for your spirit because God is growing you in a new area that you haven't encountered before. God is so intricate, so precise where He places us in each season; however, for a while there, I tried my hardest to rip the reins away from God, out of the fear of being uncomfortable in my stillness. I would fill my schedule with tasks just for the sake of not becoming bored. God gifted you with a slow season not for distraction, but for intimacy with Him and growth within your spirit.

the mundane moments...

Sometimes I imagine my heart as a pretty pink balloon that continues to want to expand larger. I continued to pump helium into the balloon, but soon my balloon stretched too much and the sides of it began to thin. When the balloon has reached its capacity, it pops, scattering into little pieces. Now, even though that balloon is damaged and cannot be put back together, it does not mean God cannot put our popped spirit back into place—because He does it time and time again. However, many times we can be the ones putting the pressure on the helium nozzle when God is clearly stating, "This is damaging for you; do not stretch yourself too thin." We have forgotten what it truly means to savor the days. Savoring the extraordinary moments is easy, but choosing to savor the mundane creates a whole new level of appreciation dedicated to Our Father. If we know God is in the little details, shouldn't we know by now that God is with us even in the little mundane moments too?

Mundane shouldn't have a negative meaning attached to it. Every day with God is extraordinary, so even in the moments of mundane, we can have joy in knowing God uses every single detail written through each day. Isn't that what a wonderful author does? He brings all the little details in a story back together to use for a bigger picture. God creates the most beautiful details woven throughout our life; we just need a season or two to slow our pace to recognize what He has done and what He is continuing to do. Savor the mundane, savor the slow season. Remain in stride with Christ because He always leads His children to greener pastures.

samantha tucker

Samantha Tucker is returning guest to By Design, writing to us from Michigan. She has a monthly column in the Elkhart Living magazine titled 'Living In Vibrance'. Something that brings her great joy is taking a summer swim in the turquoise waters of Puterbaugh Lake in Michigan, close to her childhood home. Samantha describes herself as a "summer girl" at heart.

Photos sourced from Unplash. Headshot by Samantha Tucker

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